Unlocking SaaS Growth: The Retention Revolution

Learn how to identify the the leaky gaps where you are losing customers, and recurring revenue.

Actionable Advice You Can Actually Use

From the Trenches: Real Stories of SaaS Companies Overcoming Retention Challenges

About Gen Furukawa

I’ve Been In Your Shoes

My name is Gen Furukawa. I have experienced the gut-punch that churn represents for SaaS Founders. As a bootstrapped SaaS Founder, I viscerally understand the pain and frustration of experiencing churn. And I have found ways to proactively address it. That’s what this blog is about — helping SaaS Founders, CEOs, marketers, and Customer Success Leaders understand the strategies and approaches to reduce churn and create happier customers.

How This Works

Case Studies and Actionable Insights Only

This will be a blog to curate and share the best thoughts on the internet to learn how to reduce churn.


Focus on improving customer experience.

Case Studies

How do other SaaS founders addressed the silent killer of churn.

This Can Be Secondary Heading

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